In this darkly comic existential thriller, writer-director Aaron Schimberg shrewdly explores how self-identity is defined by others.

When aspiring actor Edward undergoes an experimental medical procedure to drastically change his face, it fails to be the fix he was hoping for. Featuring an outstanding cast that includes Sebastian Stan (winner of the Silver Bear at the Berlinale for leading performance), Adam Pearson (Under the Skin), and Renate Reinsve (The Worst Person in the World), A Different Man is a deliciously twisted satire on societal conventions of beauty and our obsessions with self-image.

“I want people to go see it and I want people to talk about it. I think we as humans tend to avoid discomfort at all costs like it’s a bad thing. But I think a little bit of discomfort when you can fight through it in the end makes us better people.” - Adam Pearson, Lead Actor

"Sebastian Stan leads a stunning, self-reflexive drama on representation.” - Siddhant Adlakha, Mashable

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