In 2016, Aubrey Gordon wrote a candid letter about living as a fat person. Posted online under the pseudonym Your Fat Friend, it resonated around the world, and so began the journey from anonymous blogger to inspirational queer fat activist. Shot over six years, Jeanie Finlay presents a warm portrait of her life and incredible rise through much success, and criticism. Winner of audience awards at film festivals around the world, Your Fat Friend is a funny, insightful and frank look at a unique voice challenging the perceptions of fat people in modern society and the capitalism of body positivity.

We'll be joined for a live video Q&A by Jonny Tull of Tull Stories who has been working closely with Jeanie Finlay on the film's distribution. Jonny will be taking us through his extensive career in film exhibition and his move into independent distribution - the missing link for many young filmmakers who want to know how to get their films on the big screen. 

This screening is in collaboration with our friends Hyde Park Picture House, a two screen, community-focused, independent cinema, screening the very best films from around the world.

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