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Stop Making Sense in its full digital restoration is still the best concert film experience of all time, unmissable on the big screen in Millennium Square. Director Jonathan Demme and iconic band Talking Heads designed an unforgettable stage show, building famously from the opening Psycho Killer with David Byrne and ghetto blaster to the rapturous version of Al Green’s Take Me to the River with full band and backing choir. On the way they take in classics like Once in a Lifetime and Girlfriend is Better, complete with gigantic business suit.

“A textbook example of how to put on a great gig on celluloid.” Ian Freer, Empire

This screening is part of Cinema on the Square - our open-air summer cinema celebrating movies and music on the big concert stage screen in Millennium Square. Part of the Summer Series, Millennium Square's annual concert series of outdoor gigs from world-renowned blockbuster acts and emerging artists.

Please note: this open-air film event is seated and seats are provided. For more information please check our Cinema on the Square FAQ.